Política de Privacidade
Última atualização: 16 de janeiro de 2025
Esta Política de Privacidade contém informações importantes sobre seus dados pessoais. Recomendamos que a leia atentamente.
Nós fornecemos infraestrutura financeira para a internet. Indivíduos e empresas de todos os portes usam nossa tecnologia e serviços para facilitar compras, aceitar pagamentos, enviar repasses e gerenciar negócios online.
Esta Política de Privacidade ("Política") descreve os Dados Pessoais que coletamos, como os usamos e os compartilhamos e contém detalhes de como você pode falar conosco com consultas relacionadas à política. A Política também descreve seus direitos e opções como titular de dados, incluindo o direito de fazer objeção a determinados usos dos seus Dados Pessoais por nós.
Dependendo da atividade, a Stripe assume a função de um "controlador de dados" e/ou "processador de dados" (ou "provedor de serviços"). Para obter mais informações sobre nossas práticas de privacidade, incluindo a nossa função, a entidade da Stripe específica responsável conforme esta Política e as nossas fundamentações jurídicas para processar seus Dados Pessoais, acesse a nossa Central de Privacidade.
Termos definidos
Nesta Política, os termos "Stripe", "nós", "nosso" ou "conosco" se referem à entidade da Stripe responsável pela coleta, uso e tratamento de Dados Pessoais conforme descrito neste documento. Dependendo da sua jurisdição, a entidade da Stripe específica responsável por seus Dados Pessoais pode variar. Saiba mais.
"Dados Pessoais" se referem a qualquer informação associada a um indivíduo identificado ou identificável e podem incluir dados que você nos fornecer e que coletarmos sobre você durante sua interação com nossos Serviços (como informações do dispositivo, endereço IP etc.).
"Serviços" se referem aos produtos, serviços, dispositivos e aplicativos que fornecemos segundo o Contrato de Serviços da Stripe ("Serviços Comerciais") ou os Termos de Serviço do Consumidor da Stripe ("Serviços de Usuário Final"); sites ("Sites") como Stripe.com e Link.com; e outros aplicativos e serviços online da Stripe. Fornecemos Serviços Comerciais a entidades ("Usuários Comerciais"). Fornecemos Serviços de Usuário Final diretamente a indivíduos para uso pessoal.
"Parceiros Financeiros" são instituições financeiras, bancos e outros parceiros como adquirentes de formas de pagamento, provedores de repasses e bandeiras de cartão com os quais temos parceria para fornecer os Serviços.
Dependendo do contexto, "você" pode significar Cliente Final, Usuário Final, Representante ou Visitante:
Usuários Finais. Quando você usa um Serviço de Usuário Final, como ao salvar uma forma de pagamento com o Link, para uso pessoal, nós nos referimos a você como "Usuário Final".
Clientes Finais. Quando você não está realizando transações diretamente com a Stripe, mas recebemos seus Dados Pessoais para fornecer Serviços a um Usuário Comercial, inclusive quando você faz uma compra de um Usuário Comercial em uma página do Stripe Checkout ou recebe pagamentos de um Usuário Comercial, nos referimos a você como um "Cliente Final."
Representantes. Quando você atua em nome de um Usuário Comercial existente ou em potencial, talvez como um fundador de empresa, administrador de conta para um Usuário Comercial, ou um destinatário de um cartão de crédito de funcionário de um Usuário Comercial pelo Stripe Issuing, nós nos referimos a você como "Representante".
Visitantes. Quando você interage com a Stripe visitando um Site sem estar conectado à conta Stripe, ou quando sua interação com a Stripe não envolve você como um Usuário Final, Cliente Final ou Representante, nos referimos a você como um "Visitante". Por exemplo, você é um Visitante quando envia uma mensagem à Stripe pedindo mais informações sobre os nossos Serviços.
Nesta Política, "Dados de Transação" se referem a dados coletados e usados pela Stripe para facilitar transações solicitadas por você. Alguns Dados de Transação são Dados Pessoais e podem incluir: seu nome, endereço de e-mail, número de contato, endereço de cobrança e entrega, dados de forma de pagamento (como número de cartão de crédito e débito, dados de conta bancária ou imagem do cartão de pagamento escolhida por você), detalhes do comerciante e da localização, valor e data da compra e, em alguns casos, dados sobre o que foi comprado.
1. Dados pessoais que coletamos e como os usamos e compartilhamos
2. Outras formas que adotamos para coletar, usar e compartilhar Dados Pessoais
3. Fundamentações jurídicas para o processamento de dados
4. Seus direitos e opções
5. Segurança e retenção
6. Transferências internacionais de dados
7. Atualizações e notificações
8. Disposições para jurisdições específicas
9. Fale conosco
10. Aviso de Privacidade do Consumidor dos EUA
1. Personal Data we collect and how we use and share it
Our collection and use of Personal Data differs based on whether you are an End User, End Customer, Representative, or Visitor, and the specific Service that you are using. For example, if you're a sole proprietor who wants to use our Business Services, we may collect your Personal Data to onboard your business; at the same time, you might also be an End Customer if you've bought goods from another Business User that is using our Services for payment processing. You could also be an End User if you used our End User Service, such as Link, for those transactions.
1.1 End Users
We provide End User Services when we provide the Services directly to you for your personal use (e.g., Link). Additional details regarding our collection, usage, and sharing of End User Personal Data, including the legal bases we rely on for processing such data, can be found in our Privacy Center.
a. Personal Data we collect about End Users
Using Link or Connecting your bank account. Stripe offers a service called "Link," which allows you to create an account and store information for future interactions with Stripe’s Services and Business Users. You may save a number of different kinds of Personal Data using Link. For instance, you may save your name, payment method details, contact information, and address to conveniently use saved information to pay for transactions across our Business Users. When you choose to pay with Link, we will also collect Transaction Data associated with your transactions. Learn More.
You can also share and save bank account details to your Link account using Stripe’s Financial Connections product. When you use Financial Connections, Stripe will periodically collect and process your account information (such as bank account owner information, account balances, account number and details, account transactions, and, in some cases, log-in credentials). You can ask us to cease the collection of such data at any time. Learn More.
Finally, you can use Link to store your identity documents (such as your driver’s license) so that you can share them in future interactions with Stripe or its Business Users.
Paying Stripe. When you purchase goods or services directly from Stripe, we receive your Transaction Data. For instance, when you make a payment to Stripe Climate, we collect information about the transaction, as well as your contact and payment method details.
Identity/Verification Services. We offer an identity verification service that automates the comparison of your identity document (such as a driver’s license) with your image (such as a selfie). You can separately consent to us using your biometric data to enhance our verification technology, with the option to revoke your consent at any time. Learn More.
For further information about other types of Personal Data that we may collect about End Users, including about your online activity and your engagement with our End User Services, please see the More ways we collect, use, and share Personal Data section below.
b. How we use and share Personal Data of End Users
Services. We use and share your Personal Data to provide the End User Services to you, which includes support, personalization (such as language preferences and setting choices), and communication about our End User Services (such as communicating Policy updates and information about our Services). For example, Stripe may use cookies and similar technologies or the data you provide to our Business Users (such as when you input your email address on a Business User’s website) to recognize you and help you use Link when visiting our Business User’s website. Learn more about how we use cookies and similar technologies in Stripe’s Cookie Policy and Link’s Cookie Policy.
Our Business Users. When you use Link to make payments with our Business Users, we share your Personal Data, including name, contact information, payment method details, and Transaction Data with those Business Users. Learn More. You can also direct Stripe to share your saved bank account information and identity documents with Business Users you do business with. Once we share your Personal Data with Business Users, we may process that Personal Data as a Data Processor for those Business Users, as detailed in Section 1.2 of this Policy. You should consult the privacy policies of the Business Users’ you do business with for information on how they use the information shared with them.
Fraud Detection and Loss Prevention. We use your Personal Data collected across our Services to detect fraud and prevent financial losses for you, us, and our Business Users and Financial Partners, including detecting unauthorized purchases. We may provide Business Users and Financial Partners, including those that use our fraud prevention-related Business Services (such as Stripe Radar), with Personal Data about you (including your attempted transactions) so that they can assess the fraud or loss risk associated with the transaction. Learn more about how we may use technology to assess the fraud risk associated with an attempted transaction and what information we share with Business Users and Financial Partners here and here.
Advertising. Where permitted by applicable law, we may use your Personal Data, including Transaction Data, to assess your eligibility for, and offer you, other End User Services or promote existing End User Services, including through co-marketing with partners such as Stripe Business Users. Learn more. Subject to applicable law, including any consent requirements, we use and share End User Personal Data with third party partners to allow us to advertise our End User Services to you, including through interest-based advertising, and to track the efficacy of such ads. We do not transfer your Personal Data to third parties in exchange for payment, but we may provide your data to third-party partners, such as advertising partners, analytics providers, and social networks, who assist us in advertising our Services to you. Learn more.
More. For further information about ways we may use and share End Users' Personal Data, please see the More ways we collect, use, and share Personal Data section below.
1.2 End Customers
Stripe provides various Business Services to our Business Users, which include processing in-person or online payments or payouts for those Business Users. When acting as a service provider—also referred to as a Data Processor—for a Business User, we process End Customer Personal Data in accordance with our agreement with the Business User and the Business User's lawful instructions. This happens, for example, when we process a payment for a Business User because you purchased a product from them, or when the Business User asks us to send you funds.
Business Users are responsible for ensuring that the privacy rights of their End Customers are respected, including obtaining appropriate consents and making disclosures about their own data collection and use associated with their products and services. If you're an End Customer, please refer to the privacy policy of the Business User you're doing business with for its privacy practices, choices, and controls.
We provide more comprehensive information about our collection, use, and sharing of End Customer Personal Data in our Privacy Center, including the legal bases we rely on for processing your Personal Data.
a. Personal Data we collect about End Customers
Transaction Data. If you're an End Customer making payments to, receiving refunds or payments from, initiating a purchase or donation, or otherwise transacting with our Business User, whether in-person or online, we receive your Transaction Data. We may also receive your transaction history with the Business User. Learn More. Additionally, we may collect information entered into a checkout form even if you opt not to complete the form or transaction with the Business User. Learn More. A Business User who uses Stripe’s Terminal Service to provide its goods or services to End Customers may use the Terminal Service to collect End Customer Personal Data (like your name, email, phone number, address, signature, or age) in accordance with its own privacy policy.
Identity/Verification Information. Stripe provides a verification and fraud prevention Service that our Business Users can use to verify Personal Data about you, such as your authorization to use a particular payment method. During the process, you’d be asked to share with us certain Personal Data (like your government ID and selfie for biometric verification, Personal Data you input, or Personal Data that is apparent from the physical payment method like a credit card image). To protect against fraud and determine if somebody is trying to impersonate you, we may cross-verify this data with information about you that we've collected from Business Users, Financial Partners, business affiliates, identity verification services, publicly available sources, and other third party service providers and sources. Learn More.
More. For further information about other types of Personal Data that we may collect about End Customers, including about your online activity, please see the More ways we collect, use, and share Personal Data section below.
b. How we use and share Personal Data of End Customers
To provide our Business Services to our Business Users, we use and share End Customers' Personal Data with them. Where allowed, we also use End Customers' Personal Data for Stripe’s own purposes such as enhancing security, improving and offering our Business Services, and preventing fraud, loss, and other damages, as described further below.
Payment processing and accounting. We use your Transaction Data to deliver Payment-related Business Services to Business Users — including online payment transactions processing, sales tax calculation, and invoice, bill, and dispute handling — and to help them determine their revenue, settle their bills, and execute accounting tasks. Learn More. We may also use your Personal Data to provide and improve our Business Services.
During payment transactions, your Personal Data is shared with various entities in connection with your transaction. As a service provider or data processor, we share Personal Data to enable transactions as directed by Business Users. For instance, when you choose a payment method for your transaction, we may share your Transaction Data with your bank or other payment method provider, including as necessary to authenticate you, Learn More, process your transaction, prevent fraud, and handle disputes. The Business User you choose to do business with also receives Transaction Data and might share the data with others. Please review your merchant’s, bank’s, and payment method provider’s privacy policies for more information about how they use and share your Personal Data.
Financial services. Certain Business Users leverage our Services to offer financial services to you via Stripe or our Financial Partners. For example, a Business User may issue a card product with which you can purchase goods and services. Such cards could carry the brand of Stripe, the bank partner, and/or the Business User. In addition to any Transaction Data we may generate or receive when these cards are used for purchases, we also collect and use your Personal Data to provide and manage these products, including assisting our Business Users in preventing misuse of the cards. Please review the privacy policies of the Business User and, if applicable, our bank partners associated with the financial service (the brands of which may be shown on the card) for more information.
Identity/Verification services. We use Personal Data about your identity to perform verification services for Stripe or for the Business Users that you are transacting with, to prevent fraud, and to enhance security. For these purposes we may use Personal Data you provide directly or Personal Data we obtain from our service providers, including for phone verification. Learn More. If you provide a selfie along with an image of your identity document, we may employ biometric technology to compare and calculate whether they match and verify your identity. Learn More.
Fraud detection and loss prevention. We use your Personal Data collected across our Services to detect and prevent losses for you, us, our Business Users, and Financial Partners. We may provide Business Users and Financial Partners, including those using our fraud prevention-related Business Services, with your Personal Data (including your attempted transactions) to help them assess the fraud or loss risk associated with a transaction. Learn more about how we may use technology to assess the fraud risk associated with an attempted transaction and what information we share with Business Users and Financial Partners here and here.
Our Business Users (and their authorized third parties). We share End Customers' Personal Data with their respective Business Users and parties directly authorized by those Business Users to receive such data. Here are common examples of such sharing:
- When a Business User instructs Stripe to provide another Business User with access to its Stripe account, including data related to its End Customers, via Stripe Connect.
- Sharing information that you have provided to us with a Business User so that we can send payments to you on behalf of that Business User.
- Sharing information, documents, or images provided by an End Customer with a Business User when the latter uses Stripe Identity, our identity verification Service, to verify the identity of the End Customer.
The Business Users you choose to do business with may further share your Personal Data with third parties (like additional third party service providers other than Stripe). Please review the Business User’s privacy policy for more information.
Advertising by Business Users. If you initiate a purchasing process with a Business User, the Business User receives your Personal Data from us in connection with our provision of Services even if you don't finish your purchase. The Business User may use your Personal Data to market and advertise their products or services, subject to the terms of their privacy policy. Please review the Business User’s privacy policy for more information, including your rights to stop their use of your Personal Data for marketing purposes.
More. For further information about additional ways by which we may use and share End Customers' Personal Data, please see the More ways we collect, use, and share Personal Data section below.
1.3 Representatives
We collect, use, and share Personal Data from Representatives of Business Users (for example, business owners) to provide our Business Services. For more information about how we collect, use, and share Personal Data from Representatives, as well as the legal bases we rely on for processing such Personal Data, please visit our Privacy Center.
a. Personal Data we collect about Representatives
Registration and contact information. When you register for a Stripe account for a Business User (including incorporation of a Business), we collect your name and login credentials. If you register for or attend an event organized by Stripe or sign up to receive Stripe communications, we collect your registration and profile data. As a Representative, we may collect your Personal Data from third parties, including data providers, to advertise, market, and communicate with you as detailed further in the More ways we collect, use, and share Personal Data section below. We may also link a location with you to tailor the Services or information effectively to your needs. Learn More.
Identification Information. As a current or potential Business User, an owner of a Business User, or a shareholder, officer, or director of a Business User, we need your contact details, such as name, postal address, telephone number, and email address, to fulfill our Financial Partner and regulatory requirements, verify your identity, and prevent fraudulent activities and harm to the Stripe platform. We collect your Personal Data, such as ownership interest in the Business User, date of birth, government-issued identity documents, and associated identifiers, as well as any history of fraud or misuse, directly from you and/or from publicly available sources, third parties such as credit bureaus and via the Services we provide. Learn More. You may also choose to provide us with bank account information.
More. For further information about other types of Personal Data that we may collect about Representatives, including your online activity, please see the More ways we collect, use, and share Personal Data section below.
b. How we use and share Personal Data of Representatives
We typically use the Personal Data of Representatives to provide the Business Services to the corresponding Business Users. The ways we use and share this data are further described below.
Business Services. We use and share Representatives’ Personal Data with Business Users to provide the Services requested by you or the Business User you represent.
In some instances, we may have to submit your Personal Data to a government entity to provide our Business Services, for purposes such as the incorporation of a business, or calculating and paying applicable sales tax. For our tax-related Business Services, we may use your Personal Data to prepare tax documents and file taxes on behalf of the Business User you represent. For our Atlas business incorporation Services, we may use your Personal Data to submit forms to the IRS on your behalf and file documents with other government authorities, such as articles of incorporation in your state of incorporation.
We share Representatives’ Personal Data with parties authorized by the corresponding Business User, such as Financial Partners servicing a financial product, or third party apps or services the Business User chooses to use alongside our Business Services. Here are common examples of such sharing:
- Payment method providers, like Visa or WeChat Pay, require information about Business Users and their Representatives who accept their payment methods. This information is typically required during the onboarding process or for processing transactions and handling disputes for these Business Users. Learn More.
- A Business User may authorize Stripe to share your Personal Data with other Business Users to facilitate the provision of Services through Stripe Connect.
The use of Personal Data by a third party authorized by a Business User is subject to the third party’s privacy policy.
If you are a Business User who has chosen a name that includes Personal Data (for example, a sole proprietorship or family name in a company name), we will use and share such information for the provision of our Services in the same way we do with any company name. This may include, for example, displaying it on receipts and other transaction-identifying descriptions.
Fraud detection and loss prevention. We use Representatives’ Personal Data to identify and manage risks that our Business Services might be used for fraudulent activities causing losses to Stripe, End Users, End Customers, Business Users, Financial Partners, and others. We also use information about you obtained from publicly available sources, third parties like credit bureaus and from our Services to address such risks, including to identify patterns of misuse and monitor for terms of service violations. Stripe may share Representatives' Personal Data with Business Users, our Financial Partners, and third party service providers, including phone verification providers, Learn More, to verify the information provided by you and identify risk indicators. Learn More. We also use and share Representatives' Personal Data to conduct due diligence, including conducting anti-money laundering and sanctions screening in accordance with applicable law.
Advertising. Where permitted by applicable law, and where required with your consent, we use and share Representatives’ Personal Data with third parties, including Partners, so we can advertise and market our Services and Partner integrations. Subject to applicable law, including any consent requirements, we may advertise through interest-based advertising and track the efficacy of such ads. See Stripe’s Cookie Policy. We do not transfer your Personal Data to third parties in exchange for payment. However, we may provide your data to third party partners, like advertising partners, analytics providers, and social networks, who assist us in advertising our Services. Learn more. We may also use your Personal Data, including your Stripe account activity, to evaluate your eligibility for and offer you Business Services or promote existing Business Services. Learn more.
More. For further information about additional ways by which we may use and share Representatives’ Personal Data, please see the More ways we collect, use, and share Personal Data section below.
1.4 Visitors
We collect, use, and share the Personal Data of Visitors. More details about how we collect, use, and share Visitors’ Personal Data, along with the legal bases we rely on for processing such Personal Data, can be found in our Privacy Center.
a. Personal Data we collect about Visitors
When you browse our Sites, we receive your Personal Data, either provided directly by you or collected through our use of cookies and similar technologies. See Link’s Cookie Policy for more information. If you opt to complete a form on the Site or third party websites where our advertisements are displayed (like LinkedIn or Facebook), we collect the information you included in the form. This may include your contact information and other information pertaining to your questions about our Services. We may also associate a location with your visit. Learn More.
b. How we use and share Personal Data of Visitors
Personalization. We use the data we collect about you using cookies and similar technologies to measure engagement with the content on the Sites, improve relevancy and navigation, customize your experience (such as language preference and region-specific content), and curate content about Stripe and our Services that's tailored to you. For instance, as not all of our Services are available globally, we may customize our responses based on your region.
Advertising. Where permitted by applicable law, and where required with your consent, we use and share Visitors’ Personal Data with third parties, including Partners, so we can advertise and market our Services and Partner integrations. Subject to applicable law, including any consent requirements, we may advertise through interest-based advertising and track the efficacy of such ads. See Stripe’s Cookie Policy. We do not transfer your Personal Data to third parties in exchange for payment, but we may provide your data to third party partners, like advertising partners, analytics providers, and social networks, who assist us in advertising our Services. Learn more.
Engagement. As you interact with our Sites, we use the information we collect about and through your devices to provide opportunities for further interactions, such as discussions about Services or interactions with chatbots, to address your questions.
More. For more information about additional ways we may use and share Visitors’ Personal Data, please see the More ways we collect, use, and share Personal Data section below.
2. More ways we collect, use, and share Personal Data
In addition to the ways described above, we also process your Personal Data as follows:
a. Collection of Personal Data
Online Activity. Depending on the Service used and how our Business Services are implemented by the Business Users, we may collect information related to:
- The devices and browsers you use across our Sites and third party websites, apps, and other online services (“Third Party Sites”).
- Usage data associated with those devices and browsers and your engagement with our Services, including data elements like IP address, plug-ins, language preference, time spent on Sites and Third Party Sites, pages visited, links clicked, payment methods used, and the pages that led you to our Sites and Third Party Sites. We also collect activity indicators, such as mouse activity indicators, to help us detect fraud. Learn More. See also Stripe’s Cookie Policy and Link’s Cookie Policy.
Communication and Engagement Information. We also collect information you choose to share with us through various channels, such as support tickets, emails, or social media. If you respond to emails or surveys from Stripe, we collect your email address, name, and any other data you opt to include in your email or responses. If you engage with us over the phone, we collect your phone number and any other information you might provide during the call. Calls with Stripe or Stripe representatives may be recorded. Learn More. Additionally, we collect your engagement data, like your registration for, attendance at, or viewing of Stripe events and any other interactions with Stripe personnel.
Forums and Discussion Groups. If our Sites allow posting of content, we collect Personal Data that you provide in connection with the post.
b. Use of Personal Data.
Besides the use of Personal Data described above, we use Personal Data in the ways listed below:
Analyzing, Improving, and Developing our Services. We collect and process Personal Data throughout our various Services, whether you are an End User, End Customer, Representative, or Visitor, to improve our Services, develop new Services, and support our efforts to make our Services more efficient, relevant, and useful to you. Learn More. We may use Personal Data to generate aggregate and statistical information to understand and explain how our Services are used. Examples of how we use Personal Data to analyze, improve, and develop our products and services include:
- Using analytics on our Sites, including as described in our Cookie Policy, to help us understand your use of our Sites and Services and diagnose technical issues.
- Training machine learning models to power our Services and protect against fraud and other harm.
- Analyzing and drawing inferences from Transaction Data to reduce costs, fraud, and disputes and increase authentication and authorization rates for Stripe and our Business Users.
Communications. We use the contact information we have about you to deliver our Services, which may involve sending codes via SMS for your authentication. Learn More. If you are an End User, Representative, or Visitor, we may communicate with you using the contact information we have about you to provide information about our Services and our affiliates’ services, invite you to participate in our events, surveys, or user research, or otherwise communicate with you for marketing purposes, in compliance with applicable law, including any consent or opt-out requirements. For example, when you provide your contact information to us or when we collect your business contact details through participation at trade shows or other events, we may use this data to follow up with you regarding an event, provide information requested about our Services, and include you in our marketing information campaigns. Where permitted under applicable law, we may record our calls with you to provide our Services, comply with our legal obligations, perform research and quality assurance, and for training purposes.
Social Media and Promotions. If you opt to submit Personal Data to engage in an offer, program, or promotion, we use the Personal Data you provide to manage the offer, program, or promotion. We also use the Personal Data you provide, along with the Personal Data you make available on social media platforms, for marketing purposes, unless we are not permitted to do so.
Fraud Prevention and Security. We collect and use Personal Data to help us identify and manage activities that could be fraudulent or harmful across our Services, enable our fraud detection Business Services, and secure our Services and transactions against unauthorized access, use, alteration or misappropriation of Personal Data, information, and funds. As part of the fraud prevention, detection, security monitoring, and compliance efforts for Stripe and its Business Users, we collect information from publicly available sources, third parties (such as credit bureaus), and via the Services we offer. In some instances, we may also collect information about you directly from you, or from our Business Users, Financial Partners, and other third parties for the same purposes. Furthermore, to protect our Services, we may receive details such as IP addresses and other identifying data about potential security threats from third parties. Learn More. Such information helps us verify identities, conduct credit checks where lawfully permitted, and prevent fraud. Additionally, we might use technology to evaluate the potential risk of fraud associated with individuals seeking to procure our Business Services or arising from attempted transactions by an End Customer or End User with our Business Users or Financial Partners.
Compliance with Legal Obligations. We use Personal Data to meet our contractual and legal obligations related to anti-money laundering, Know-Your-Customer ("KYC") laws, anti-terrorism activities, safeguarding vulnerable customers, export control, and prohibition of doing business with restricted persons or in certain business fields, among other legal obligations. For example, we may monitor transaction patterns and other online signals and use those insights to identify fraud, money laundering, and other harmful activity that could affect Stripe, our Financial Partners, End Users, Business Users and others. Learn More. Safety, security, and compliance of our Services are key priorities for us, and collecting and using Personal Data is crucial to this effort.
Minors. Our Services are not directed to children under the age of 13, and we request that they do not provide Personal Data to seek Services directly from Stripe. In certain jurisdictions, we may impose higher age limits as required by applicable law.
c. Sharing of Personal Data.
Besides the sharing of Personal Data described above, we share Personal Data in the ways listed below:
Stripe Affiliates. We share Personal Data with other Stripe-affiliated entities for purposes identified in this Policy.
Service Providers or Processors. In order to provide, communicate, market, analyze, and advertise our Services, we depend on service providers. These providers offer critical services such as providing cloud infrastructure, conducting analytics for the assessment of the speed, accuracy, and/or security of our Services, verifying identities, identifying potentially harmful activity, and providing customer service and audit functions. We authorize these service providers to use or disclose the Personal Data we make available to them to perform services on our behalf and to comply with relevant legal obligations. We require these service providers to contractually commit to security and confidentiality obligations for the Personal Data they process on our behalf. The majority of our service providers are based in the European Union, the United States of America, and India. Learn More.
Financial Partners. We share Personal Data with certain Financial Partners to provide Services to Business Users and offer certain Services in conjunction with these Financial Partners. For instance, we may share certain Personal Data, such as payment processing volume, loan repayment data, and Representative contact information, with institutional investors and lenders who purchase loan receivables or provide financing related to Stripe Capital. Learn More.
Others with Consent. In some situations, we may not offer a service, but instead refer you to others (like professional service firms that we partner with to deliver the Atlas Service). In these instances, we will disclose the identity of the third party and the information to be shared with them, and seek your consent to share the information.
Corporate Transactions. If we enter or intend to enter a transaction that modifies the structure of our business, such as a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, change of control, or other disposition of all or part of our business, assets, or stock, we may share Personal Data with third parties in connection with such transaction. Any other entity that buys us or part of our business will have the right to continue to use your Personal Data, subject to the terms of this Policy.
Compliance and Harm Prevention. We share Personal Data when we believe it is necessary to comply with applicable law; to abide by rules imposed by Financial Partners in connection with the use of their payment method; to enforce our contractual rights; to secure and protect the Services, rights, privacy, safety, and property of Stripe, you, and others, including against malicious or fraudulent activity; and to respond to valid legal requests from courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, and other public and government authorities, which may include authorities outside your country of residence.
3. Fundamentações jurídicas para o processamento de Dados Pessoais
Para as finalidades do Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (GDPR) e outras leis aplicáveis de proteção de dados, usamos uma série de fundamentações jurídicas como base para processar seus Dados Pessoais. Saiba mais. Para algumas jurisdições, pode haver outras fundamentações jurídicas, que são descritas na seção Disposições para jurisdições específicas abaixo.
a. Relacionamentos comerciais contratuais e pré-contratuais.. Processamos Dados Pessoais para celebrar relacionamentos comerciais com possíveis Usuários Comerciais e Usuários Finais e cumprir nossas respectivas obrigações contratuais com eles. Essas atividades de processamento incluem:
- Criação e gerenciamento de contas e credenciais de contas Stripe, incluindo a avaliação de solicitações para iniciar ou expandir o uso dos nossos Serviços;
- Criação e gerenciamento de contas do Stripe Checkout;
- Atividades contábeis, de auditoria e de cobrança;
- Processamento de pagamentos e atividades relacionadas, incluindo detecção de fraudes, prevenção de perdas, otimização de transações, comunicações sobre esses pagamentos e atendimento ao cliente.
b. Conformidade jurídica. Processamos Dados Pessoais para verificar identidades de indivíduos e entidades a fim de cumprir as obrigações relacionadas ao monitoramento, prevenção e detecção de fraudes, além de leis associadas à identificação e denúncia de atividades ilícitas e ilegais, como aquelas cobertas pelos regulamentos Antilavagem de dinheiro ("AML") e Conheça seu cliente ("KYC") e obrigações de declarações financeiras. Por exemplo, podemos ser obrigados a registrar e confirmar a identidade de um Usuário Comercial para cumprir os regulamentos designados para evitar lavagem de dinheiro, fraude e crimes financeiros. Essas obrigações jurídicas podem nos obrigar a declarar nossa conformidade com terceiros e nos sujeitar a auditorias de verificação de terceiros.
c. Interesses legítimos. Quando permitido pela lei vigente, nos baseamos em interesses comerciais legítimos para processar seus Dados Pessoais. A lista a seguir fornece um exemplo das finalidades comerciais para as quais temos interesse legítimo em processar seus dados:
- Detecção, monitoramento e prevenção de fraudes e transações de pagamento não autorizadas;
- Mitigação de perdas financeiras, ações, responsabilidades e outros danos que afetem Clientes Finais, Usuários Finais, Usuários Comerciais, Parceiros Financeiros e a Stripe;
- Determinação de qualificação e oferta de novos produtos e serviços da Stripe Saiba mais);
- Resposta a consultas, entrega de avisos dos Serviços e fornecimento de suporte ao cliente;
- Promoção, análise, modificação e aperfeiçoamento dos nossos Serviços, sistemas e ferramentas, além do desenvolvimento de novos produtos e serviços, incluindo aprimoramento da confiabilidade dos Serviços;
- Gerenciamento, operação e aperfeiçoamento do desempenho dos nossos Sites e Serviços, por meio do entendimento da eficácia deles e da otimização dos nossos ativos digitais;
- Análise e publicidade dos nossos Serviços e melhorias relacionadas;
- Análise de agregados e desenvolvimento de inteligência de negócios que nos permitem operar, proteger, tomar decisões embasadas e gerar relatórios sobre o desempenho da nossa empresa;
- Compartilhamento de Dados Pessoais com provedores de serviços externos que oferecem serviços em nosso nome e parceiros comerciais que nos ajudam a operar e melhorar os nossos negócios (Saiba mais);
- Proporcionar segurança de rede e dados por meio da Stripe e nossos Serviços; e
- Compartilhamento de Dados Pessoais entre as nossas afiliadas.
d. Consentimento. Podemos usar consentimento ou consentimento explícito para coletar e processar Dados Pessoais relacionados às nossas interações com você e ao fornecimento dos nossos Serviços como o Link, Financial Connections, Atlas e Identity. Quando processamos seus Dados Pessoais com base no seu consentimento, você tem o direito de retirá-lo a qualquer momento e tal retirada não impactará a legalidade do processamento realizado com base no consentimento anterior à sua retirada.
e. Interesse público substancial. Podemos processar categorias especiais de Dados Pessoais, conforme definido pelo GDPR, quando tal processamento for necessário por motivos de interesse público substancial e consentimento com a legislação aplicável, como quando realizamos verificações de pessoas politicamente expostas. Também podemos processar Dados Pessoais relacionados a condenações criminais e ofensas quando tal processamento é autorizado pela legislação aplicável, como quando realizamos triagem de sanções para cumprir obrigações de AML e KYC.
f. Outras fundamentações jurídicas válidas. Também podemos processar Dados Pessoais com base em outras fundamentações jurídicas válidas, conforme reconhecido pela legislação aplicável em jurisdições específicas. Consulte a seção "Disposições para jurisdições específicas" abaixo para obter mais informações.
4. Seus direitos e opções
Dependendo da sua localização e sujeito à legislação aplicável, você pode ter opções sobre a coleta, o uso e a divulgação que fazemos de seus Dados Pessoais:
a. Optar por não receber comunicações eletrônicas enviadas por nós
Se você quiser parar de receber nossos e-mails relacionados a marketing, poderá cancelar o recebimento clicando no link de cancelamento da assinatura incluído nos e-mails ou conforme descrito aqui. Tentaremos processar suas solicitações o mais rápido possível conforme for praticável. Entretanto, é importante observar que mesmo que você opte por não receber nossos e-mails relacionados a marketing, manteremos o direito de nos comunicarmos com você sobre os Serviços que você receber (como suporte e avisos legais importantes), e nossos Usuários Comerciais ainda poderão enviar mensagens a você ou nos instruir a enviar mensagens para você em nome deles.
b. Seus direitos de proteção de dados
Dependendo da sua localização e das leis vigentes, você pode ter os seguintes direitos em relação aos Dados Pessoais que processamos sobre você como um controlador de dados:
O direito de solicitar que a Stripe confirme se está processando Dados Pessoais associados a você, as categorias de dados pessoais que processou e os terceiros ou categorias de terceiros com quem seus Dados Pessoais são compartilhados;
O direito de solicitar acesso aos Dados Pessoais que a Stripe processa sobre você Saiba mais);
O direito de solicitar que a Stripe retifique ou atualize Dados Pessoais que estiverem imprecisos, incompletos ou desatualizados;
O direito de solicitar que a Stripe exclua Dados Pessoais em certas circunstâncias previstas em lei (Saiba mais);
O direito de solicitar que a Stripe restrinja o uso dos seus Dados Pessoais em certas circunstâncias, como a consideração pela Stripe de outra solicitação que você já enviou (por exemplo, uma solicitação para que a Stripe atualize seus Dados Pessoais);
O direito de solicitar que exportemos os Dados Pessoais que mantemos sobre você para outra empresa, desde que seja tecnicamente viável;
O direito de retirar seu consentimento se os seus Dados Pessoais estiverem sendo processados com base no seu consentimento prévio;
O direito de fazer objeção ao processamento dos seus Dados Pessoais se estivermos processando seus dados com base nos nossos interesses legítimos; se não houver motivos legítimos e o processamento não for necessário por razões jurídicas, nós interromperemos o processamento dos seus Dados Pessoais no momento em que recebermos a objeção (Saiba mais);
O direito de não sofrer discriminação por exercer desses direitos; e
O direito de apelar de qualquer decisão da Stripe com relação a seus direitos, entrando em contato com o Data Protection Officer ("DPO") da Stripe pelo e-mail dpo@stripe.com e/ou com órgãos regulatórios relevantes.
Você pode ter direitos adicionais, dependendo da legislação aplicável, sobre seus Dados Pessoais. Por exemplo, consulte a seção "Disposições para jurisdições específicas" > "Estados Unidos" abaixo.
c. Processo para exercer seus direitos de proteção de dados
Para exercer seus direitos de proteção de dados relacionados aos Dados Pessoais que processamos como controlador de dados, acesse a nossa Central de Privacidade ou fale conosco conforme descrito abaixo. Para os Dados Pessoais que processamos como processador de dados, entre em contato com o respectivo controlador de dados (Usuário Comercial) para exercer seus direitos. Se você entrar em contato conosco sobre seus Dados Pessoais que processamos como processador de dados, encaminharemos você ao controlador de dados relevante, desde que possamos identificá-lo.
5. Segurança e retenção
Envidamos esforços razoáveis para fornecer um nível de segurança adequado aos riscos associados ao tratamento dos seus Dados Pessoais. Mantemos medidas organizacionais, técnicas e administrativas criadas para proteger os Dados Pessoais abrangidos por esta Política contra acesso não autorizado, destruição, perda, alteração ou uso indevido. Saiba mais. Infelizmente, nenhum sistema de transmissão ou armazenamento de dados pode garantir 100% de segurança.
Incentivamos você a nos auxiliar na proteção dos seus Dados Pessoais. Se você tiver uma conta Stripe, poderá fazê-lo usando uma senha forte, protegendo sua senha contra uso não autorizado e evitando usar na sua conta Stripe as mesmas credenciais de login que você usa em outros serviços ou contas. Se você suspeitar que sua interação conosco não é mais segura (por exemplo, se você acreditar que a segurança da sua conta Stripe foi comprometida), fale imediatamente conosco.
Nós retemos seus Dados Pessoais pelo período que for necessário conforme continuamos a fornecer os Serviços a você ou aos nossos Usuários Comerciais, ou por um período razoável no qual prevemos manter a prestação dos Serviços. Mesmo depois de interrompermos a prestação dos Serviços diretamente a você ou a um Usuário Comercial com o qual você está fazendo negócios e mesmo depois de você encerrar sua conta Stripe ou concluir uma transação com um Usuário Comercial, poderemos continuar retendo seus Dados Pessoais para:
Cumprir nossas obrigações jurídicas e regulatórias;
Viabilizar atividades de monitoramento, detecção e prevenção de fraudes; e
Cumprir nossas obrigações fiscais, contábeis e de declarações financeiras, incluindo quando tal retenção for exigida por nossos acordos contratuais com nossos Parceiros Financeiros (e nos casos em que a retenção for obrigatória pelas formas de pagamento que você utilizou).
Nos casos em que mantemos seus Dados Pessoais, nós o fazemos em conformidade com todos os períodos de limitação e obrigações de retenção de registros impostos pela legislação aplicável. Saiba mais.
6. Transferências internacionais de dados
Como empresa global, às vezes precisamos transferir seus Dados Pessoais para países diferentes do seu próprio, incluindo os Estados Unidos. Esses países podem ter regulamentos de proteção de dados diferentes dos que vigoram no seu país. Ao transferir dados entre fronteiras, tomamos medidas para cumprir as leis de proteção de dados aplicáveis relacionadas a essa transferência. Em determinadas situações, podemos ser obrigados a divulgar Dados Pessoais em resposta a solicitações legais de autoridades (como autoridades policiais ou de segurança). Saiba mais.
Se você estiver localizado no Espaço Econômico Europeu ("EEE"), no Reino Unido ("UK") ou na Suíça, consulte a nossa Central de Privacidade para obter detalhes adicionais. Quando um mecanismo de transferência de dados for exigido por legislação aplicável, nós empregaremos um ou mais dos seguintes:
Transferências para determinados países ou destinatários que sejam reconhecidos como detentores de um nível adequado de proteção para Dados Pessoais sob a legislação aplicável.
Cláusulas Contratuais Padrão da UE aprovadas pela Comissão Europeia e o Adendo de Transferência de Dados Internacionais do Reino Unido emitido pelo Information Commissioner's Office. Você pode obter uma cópia das Cláusulas Contratuais Padrão relevantes. Saiba mais.
Outros métodos jurídicos disponíveis para nós segundo a legislação aplicável.
A Stripe, Inc. cumpre a Estrutura de Privacidade de Dados UE-EUA ("EU-U.S. DPF"), a Extensão para o Reino Unido da EU-U.S. DPF e a Estrutura de Privacidade de Dados Suíça-EUA conforme estabelecido pelo Departamento de Comércio e conforme for aplicável. Saiba mais.
As práticas de privacidade da Stripe, conforme descritas nesta Política de Privacidade, estão em conformidade com os sistemas de Regras de Privacidade Internacionais ("CBPR") e Regras de Privacidade para Processadores ("PRP"). Esses sistemas fornecem uma estrutura para que as organizações assegurem a proteção de dados pessoais transferidos entre as economias participantes. Nos locais em que as CBPR e/ou as PRP forem reconhecidas como um mecanismo de transferência válido segundo a lei aplicável, a Stripe transferirá Dados Pessoais de acordo com as certificações CBPR e PRP que obteve. Mais informações sobre a estrutura podem ser encontradas aqui e aqui. Se você tiver preocupações não resolvidas sobre privacidade ou uso de dados que não abordamos satisfatoriamente, entre em contato com o nosso fornecedor de resolução de contestações de terceiros sediado nos EUA (gratuitamente) em https://feedback-form.truste.com/watchdog/request. Para ver o status das nossas certificações, clique aqui (CBPR) e aqui (PRP).
7. Atualizações e notificações
Podemos alterar esta Política periodicamente para refletir novos serviços, mudanças em nossas práticas ou leis relacionadas à privacidade. A legenda "Última modificação" na parte superior desta Política indica a data de sua última revisão relevante. Quaisquer alterações entram em vigor no momento em que publicamos a Política revisada nos Serviços ou quando fornecemos aviso sobre a atualização conforme exigido por lei.
Nós podemos fornecer a você divulgações e alertas relacionados à Política ou aos Dados Pessoais coletados publicando-os no nosso site, e, se você for Cliente Final ou Representante, entrando em contato com você por meio do seu Stripe Dashboard, endereço de e-mail e/ou endereço físico indicado na sua conta Stripe.
8. Jurisdiction-specific provisions
Australia. “Personal Data” includes “personal information” as defined under applicable privacy laws in Australia, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) as amended from time to time.
- If we use personal information to make automated decisions that could reasonably be expected to significantly affect your rights or interests, we will provide the legally required information and transparency via our Privacy Center, and/or on a case by case basis.
- If you are an Australian resident and dissatisfied with our handling of any complaint you raise under this Policy, you may consider contacting the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
Brazil. You may exercise your rights by contacting our DPO Adi Gilad at dpo@stripe.com. Brazilian residents, for whom the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (“LGPD”) applies, have rights set forth in Article 18 of the LGPD. If the LGPD is applicable to the processing of your Personal Data, you may have the right to:
- Confirm the existence of the data processing;
- Access your Personal Data;
- Correct incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
- Anonymize, block, or delete data that is unnecessary, excessive or processed in violation of the LGPD;
- Transfer your data to another service or product provider;
- Delete data processed with your consent;
- Obtain information about the public or private entities with which Stripe has shared your Personal Data;
- Obtain information about how to and the consequences of refusing consent; and
- Withdraw consent.
Canada. As used in this Policy, “applicable law” includes the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”), the Personal Information Protection Act, SBC 2003 c 63, in British Columbia, the Personal Information Protection Act, SA 2003 c P-6.5, in Alberta, and the Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector, CQLR c P-39-1 (“Quebec Private Sector Act”), in Quebec. Learn more. “Personal Data” includes “personal information” as defined under those laws.
- Stripe’s Chief Privacy Officer is the person in charge of personal information, including under the Quebec Private Sector Act. You may contact them via email at privacy\@stripe.com. When Stripe collects Personal Data belonging to Canadian (including Quebec) residents, it transfers that data to data centers in the United States. When Stripe relies on service providers to process Personal Data as described herein, those service providers may also be located outside of Canada or Quebec.
- You have the right to request access or rectification of the Personal Data Stripe holds related to you or to withdraw any consent given to the processing of such personal data. You may exercise those rights by contacting Stripe’s Chief Privacy Officer at privacy\@stripe.com. If you are an End Customer, you should contact the Business User with which you transacted to exercise your rights.
EEA and UK. You may exercise your rights by contacting our DPO at dpo@stripe.com. If you are a resident of the EEA or the Stripe entity accountable for your Personal data is otherwise subject to the GDPR, and you believe our processing of your information contradicts the GDPR, you may direct your questions or complaints to the Irish Data Protection Commission. If you are a resident of the UK, direct your questions or concerns to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office. You also have additional rights under the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. Learn More.
India. In this Policy, “applicable law” includes the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (“DPDPA”) once the DPDPA enters into effect. Further, the term “data controller” includes “data fiduciaries,” and the term “data subject” includes “data principal,” both as defined in the DPDPA.
- In some cases, and as permitted under the DPDPA, we may rely on “legitimate use” as a legal basis. For example, we might do so when you voluntarily provide your Personal Data to us. Where we are required to obtain your explicit and informed consent, we will do so on a case by case basis. “Consent Managers” as defined under the DPDPA may submit a request to revoke or provide consent using the methods described in the Contact Us section below, or as set out in the following paragraph, or via other means made available by Stripe in the future. We may ask for proof of authorization and identity before processing such a request.
- You have the right to contact Stripe to nominate another individual, who may, in the event of your death or incapacity, exercise your rights under this Privacy Policy and under the DPDPA and implementing regulations.
- In certain cases, you may be asked to consent to the collection and processing of your Aadhaar number by Stripe India Private Limited and/or its third party verification partner(s). The purpose of this collection is to facilitate the identification verification process as required under applicable laws. Your provision of Aadhaar details is purely voluntary, and you may provide other identification documents as may be accepted by us from time to time. You will not be denied service merely for not submitting Aadhaar details.
- If you have any questions or complaints regarding the processing of your Personal Data in India, or if you want to receive this Policy or communicate with us about privacy in one of India’s official languages, please contact our Nodal and Grievance Officer. Learn More. Alternatively, you may contact our DPO at dpo@stripe.com. If we are unable to address your complaint or grievance, you have the right to escalate the matter to the Data Protection Board of India.
Indonesia. In this Policy, “applicable law” includes Law No. 11 of 2008 as amended by Law No. 19 of 2016 on Electronic Information and Transactions, Government Regulation No. 71 of 2019 on the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions, and Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation No. 20 of 2016 on Personal Data Protection in Electronic Systems, and from September 2024, Law No. 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection (“PDP Law”). If you have any questions or complaints about this Policy, please contact our DPO at dpo@stripe.com.
Japan. In this Policy, “applicable law” includes the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (“APPI”). When we transfer Personal Data of data subjects in Japan to jurisdictions not recognized as ‘adequate’ by the Personal Information Protection Commission, we enter into written agreements with any third parties located outside of Japan. These written agreements provide rights and obligations equivalent to those provided under the Japanese Act on the Protection of Personal Information. For more information on how we ensure that third parties protect your data and where your data is located, please see above or contact us as described below. For a description of foreign systems and frameworks that may affect the implementation of equivalent measures by the third party, see here. In some cases, and as permitted under the APPI, we may rely on “public interest” as a legal basis, such as fraud detection and loss prevention.
Malaysia. If you have any questions or complaints about this Policy, please contact our DPO at dpo@stripe.com.
Singapore. In this Policy, “applicable law” includes the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”) (No. 26 of 2012) as amended from time to time. In some cases, and as permitted under the PDPA, we may rely on “deemed consent” as a legal basis. For example, we do so when you voluntarily provide your personal data to us. If you have any questions or complaints about this Policy, please contact our DPO at dpo@stripe.com.
Switzerland. In this Policy, “applicable law” includes the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (“FADP”), as revised. To exercise your rights under the FADP, please contact our DPO at dpo@stripe.com. You may also have additional rights under the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. Learn More.
Thailand. In this Policy, “applicable law” includes the Personal Data Protection Act 2019 (“PDPA”). If we rely on certain legal bases (such as “legal obligation” or “contractual necessity” and you do not provide us with your Personal Data, we may not be able to lawfully provide you services. If you have any questions or complaints about this Policy, please contact our DPO at dpo@stripe.com. Where required, we have put in place appropriate safeguards for the cross-border transfer of Personal Data from Thailand, including the EU Standard Contractual Clauses as adapted for Thailand data transfers in accordance with the Notification of the Personal Data Protection Committee on Criteria for the Protection of Personal Data Sent or Transferred to a Foreign Country Pursuant to Section 29 of the Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2562 B.E. 2566 (2023).
United States. If you are a consumer located in the United States (“US”), we process your personal information in accordance with US federal and state privacy laws. For additional details, please review the information below and see our additional U.S. Privacy Disclosures here. Stripe uses cookies, including advertising cookies, as described in Stripe’s Cookie Policy.
- Your Rights and Choices. As a US consumer and subject to certain limitations under US privacy laws, you may have choices regarding our use and disclosure of your Personal Data. In addition to the above rights, you may also have the rights listed in this section. Please see our Privacy Center to learn more about data subject rights metrics and learn more about the laws under which these rights may apply.
- Exercising the right to know: You have a right to request additional information about the categories of personal information collected, sold, disclosed, or shared; purposes for which this personal information was collected, sold, or shared; categories of sources of personal information; and categories of third parties with whom we disclosed or shared this personal information.
- Exercising the right to opt-out from a sale or sharing: We do not transfer your personal data to third parties in exchange for payment. However, as noted above, we may provide the data to third party partners, such as advertising partners, analytics providers, and social networks, who assist us in advertising our products and Services to you. Because these third parties may use the data Stripe provides for their own purposes, Stripe's provision of data to these parties may be considered a data “sale” or “sharing” (for behavioral advertising) as those terms are defined under the CCPA and other applicable US privacy laws. You can opt out of targeted advertising and any related data “sales” or “sharing” (for behavioral advertising) here.
- Exercising the right to limit the use or sharing of Sensitive Personal Information: We do not sell or share (for behavioral advertising) Sensitive Personal Information as defined by US privacy laws and have not done so in the past 12 months. Learn more about our collection and use of Sensitive Personal Information over the last 12 months here.
- Profiling with legal or similarly significant effects: In the event that we engage in profiling or automated decision making for which applicable law entitles you to an opt out we will provide you with notice of how to exercise that opt-out right.
- Appeal: If you wish to appeal any of our decisions regarding a rights request under US privacy laws, you may do so by contacting Stripe’s Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) at dpo@stripe.com.
- To submit a request to exercise any of the rights described above, please contact us using the methods described in the Contact Us section below. Please note that rights under some U.S. state laws do not apply to Personal Data we collect, process, and disclose when you act as a consumer to obtain financial products or services from Stripe for personal, family, or household purposes. The federal Gramm-Leach Bliley Act may govern how Stripe shares and protects that data instead. See our US Consumer Privacy Notice below for more information.
- We will verify your request by asking you to send it from the email address associated with your account or requiring you to provide information necessary to verify your identity, including name, address, transaction history, photo identification, and other information associated with your account.
- You may designate, in writing or through a power of attorney, an authorized agent to make requests on your behalf to exercise your rights under the CCPA and other applicable US privacy laws. Your agent may submit a request on your behalf by contacting us using the methods described in the Contact Us section below. We may still require you to directly verify your identity and confirm that you gave the authorized agent permission to submit the request.
Global Privacy Control signals. Stripe honors the Global Privacy Control (GPC) opt-out preference signals. Learn More.
10. Aviso de Privacidade do Consumidor dos EUA
O Aviso de Privacidade do Consumidor a seguir se aplica a você se você for um indivíduo residente dos Estados Unidos e obtiver serviços financeiros da Stripe principalmente para seus próprios fins pessoais, familiares ou domésticos.
Última atualização: 16 de janeiro de 2025
Empresas financeiras escolhem como compartilham seus dados pessoais. A legislação federal dá aos consumidores o direito de limitar parte, mas não todo o compartilhamento. A legislação federal exige que nós informemos como coletamos, compartilhamos e protegemos seus dados pessoais. Leia este aviso atentamente para entender o que fazemos. |
Os tipos de dados pessoais que coletamos e compartilhamos dependem do produto ou serviço que você tem conosco. Esses dados podem incluir: • Número de Seguridade Social • Dados de contato • Saldos de conta e histórico de transações • Dados sobre pagamentos, transações, compras e o histórico de compras Quando você não for mais nosso cliente, continuaremos compartilhando seus dados conforme descrito neste aviso.
Todas as empresas financeiras precisam compartilhar os dados pessoais dos clientes para operar suas atividades cotidianas. Na seção abaixo, listamos os motivos pelas quais as empresas financeiras podem compartilhar os dados pessoais dos seus clientes; os motivos pelas quais a Stripe os compartilha; e se você pode limitar esse compartilhamento. |
Para nossas finalidades comerciais cotidianas, como para processar suas transações, manter sua(s) conta(s), responder a ordens judiciais e investigações jurídicas ou reportar a agências de crédito |
Sim |
Não |
Para nossos fins de marketing – para oferecer nossos produtos e Serviços a você |
Sim |
Não |
Para marketing conjunto com outras empresas financeiras |
Sim |
Não |
Para finalidades comerciais cotidianas das afiliadas – informações sobre suas transações e experiências |
Sim |
Não |
Para finalidades comerciais cotidianas das afiliadas – informações sobre seu crédito |
Não |
Nós não compartilhamos |
Para nossas afiliadas fazerem marketing a você |
Não |
Nós não compartilhamos |
Para que não afiliadas façam marketing a você (para dados não coletados por meio do Financial Connections) |
Sim |
Sim |
Para que não afiliadas façam marketing a você (para dados coletados por meio do Financial Connections) |
Não |
Nós não compartilhamos |
Faça login na sua conta do Link em app.link.com/settings e desative o compartilhamento de dados no menu de mensagens. Observação: Se você for um novo cliente, poderemos começar a compartilhar seus dados 30 dias após a data em que você nos enviou esse aviso. Quando você não for mais nosso cliente, continuaremos compartilhando seus dados conforme descrito neste aviso. Entretanto, você pode falar conosco a qualquer momento para limitar o nosso compartilhamento.
Entre em contato conosco em privacy@stripe.com ou visite-nos em https://support.link.com |
Stripe, Inc., Stripe Payments Company e afiliadas que fornecem serviços ao consumidor nos EUA. |
Para proteger seus dados pessoais contra acesso não autorizado, destruição, perda, alteração ou uso indevido, utilizamos medidas de segurança para cumprir a legislação federal. Essas medidas incluem proteções computacionais e arquivos e edifícios protegidos. Impomos controles de acesso junto com monitoramento contínuo para evitar uso indevido de dados e exigimos que nossos provedores de serviços tomem medidas similares para proteger seus dados. |
Nós coletamos dados pessoais quando, por exemplo, você • abre uma conta do Link; • pede para a Stripe processar um pagamento por produtos ou serviços; • fornece dados de conta bancária à Stripe usando o Financial Connections Também coletamos seus dados pessoais junto a terceiros, como afiliadas ou outras empresas.
A legislação federal dá a você o direito de limitar apenas • o compartilhamento para finalidades comerciais cotidianas das afiliadas: seus dados de crédito • o uso de seus dados pelas afiliadas para fazer marketing para você • o compartilhamento para não afiliadas fazerem marketing para você. As leis estaduais e empresas individuais podem dar a você direitos adicionais de limitar o compartilhamento. Consulte a seção "Outras informações importantes" abaixo para obter mais informações sobre seus direitos de acordo com a legislação estadual.
Suas escolhas se aplicarão a todos na sua conta. |
Empresas relacionadas por propriedade ou controle comum. Elas podem ser empresas financeiras e não financeiras. • Nossas afiliadas incluem empresas que operam sob o nome da Stripe, como Stripe Technology Europe, Ltd. e Stripe Payments UK, Ltd.
Empresas não relacionadas por propriedade ou controle comum. Elas podem ser empresas financeiras e não financeiras. • As não afiliadas com as quais compartilhamos dados pessoais incluem provedores de serviços que realizam serviços ou funções em nosso nome, Usuários Comerciais com os quais você escolhe fazer transações, parceiros com os quais compartilhamos dados para fornecer a você serviços, e parceiros de publicidade, fornecedores de análises de dados e redes sociais, que nos auxiliam a fazer publicidade de nossos Serviços para você.
Um acordo formal entre empresas financeiras não afiliadas que, juntas, comercializam produtos ou serviços financeiros a você. • Nossos parceiros de marketing conjunto incluem empresas financeiras com as quais temos parceria para fornecer a você serviços financeiros.
Vermont: Se a sua conta conosco estiver associada a um endereço de cobrança de Vermont, não divulgaremos seus dados de crédito às nossas afiliadas e não divulgaremos seus dados pessoais e financeiros, relatório de crédito ou dados de saúde a terceiros não afiliados para comercializar com você, exceto se permitido pela legislação de Vermont ou que você nos autorize a fazer tais divulgações. Para marketing conjunto, somente divulgamos seu nome, dados de contato e dados sobre suas transações. Informações adicionais sobre nossas políticas de privacidade podem ser encontradas na nossa Política de Privacidade e na Central de Privacidade. Califórnia: Se a sua conta conosco estiver associada a um endereço de cobrança da Califórnia, não divulgaremos Dados Pessoais que coletamos sobre você, exceto dentro dos limites permitidos pela legislação da Califórnia. Por exemplo, podemos divulgar seus Dados Pessoais conforme necessário para processar transações ou fornecer produtos e serviços solicitados por você, segundo suas instruções, conforme exigido para controle de risco da instituição e para proteção contra fraudes, roubo de identidade e transações não autorizadas.